Grow our SatFam - Invite your friends to SatLayer and unlock MORE rewards!

Grow our SatFam - Invite your friends to SatLayer and unlock MORE rewards!

₿m SatFam!

As SatLayer continues to grow its community, we need YOUR help in inviting new members to our Discord. The bigger the family, the bigger the rewards!

How To Participate
1. Join our SatLayer Discord:
2. Go to the #🫂-satfam channel
3. Type in /invites to get your personal invite link
4. Invite others using your personal invite link
5. Type /invites-leaderboard to check your ranking

Activity Period
Wednesday, October 9th, 10:00 AM UTC to Wednesday, October 23rd, 10:00 AM UTC

Prize Tiers
The more invites the community sends out, the higher the total prize pools tier will be. Each new tier that is unlocked will increase either the amount of winners or the total USDT prize pool, so let's work together to grow our SatFam!

Reach 1000+ invites to unlock Gold Tier for the maximum prize pool of 500 USDT!

Terms and Conditions

  • The invite requirements for each prizing tier are based on the total number of invites sent out by every SatLayer discord member participating in this giveaway. 
  • The community will only unlock the next prizing tier once the minimum invite requirement has been reached. (e.g. there must be at least 250 total invites to unlock the Bronze Tier)
  • The official winners list will be released as an official announcement on Discord and X on Thursday, October 24th, 10:00 AM UTC.
  • Prizes will be credited to the winners no later than Thursday, October 31st, 10:00 AM UTC.
  • SatLayer reserves the right to disqualify any participant suspected of fraudulent behavior, including but not limited to the use of multiple accounts, fake invites, or manipulation of the invite system. Any suspicious activity or abuse may be determined by sole discretion of the SatLayer team.